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Only a mother

There truly is nothing like the love of a mother, at least that’s been my experience.

My mother has served in numerous roles including both mother and father, warden, my first boss (chores were real), chauffeur, cheerleader, therapist, chef, accountant … well, you get the picture.

The role which she has served in that I value most is that of friend. Actually, that’s a tough call. I love having my mother as a friend, yet I value her as her rightful and most deserving title as Mom. She has proven to be the sounding board I’ve needed in the most critical times, the spine I’ve needed when mine began to fail and the wisdom which has seen me through many of life’s experiences.

As my mother, she’s also the one to look at me sideways on occasion as I bring forward yet another of my crazy ideas or dreams for my life’s adventure.

In truth, my mother and I are very different on many fronts. What I recognize, however, is that our differences have been fueled most by the lessons and encouragement she has gifted me with throughout my life.

An example of this would be my somewhat unconventional life as a single mother of two earning a living as a writer and yoga teacher. Scheduling travels for yoga teacher workshops, girls’ weekends, race weekends or getaways with my children.

This of course only made possible as my mother has always been supportive of my crazy “what if” ideas. Oh, sure, there have been plenty of “this may not be the right time” conversations as I jump into something new and different with both feet and little hesitation.

What I recognize is that I roll this way because of the optimism, faith and hope I was raised with. I’m pretty fortunate in that area. “It could always be worse,” was a regular phrase used by my mother as I grew up. That and the more common “Don’t borrow trouble,” as I entered adulthood and sweated the mail which held bills (aka responsibilities).

In my teens my mother had large dreams of her daughter being a weather girl. Even going as far as arranging an internship for me post high school graduation with a San Francisco based news station. Young and dumb, I passed on the opportunity as it was unpaid (common practice back in the day) and I wanted to earn the money so I could buy things.

Later in life, print media became more my thing. I can still recall my mother’s joy at first seeing my face printed alongside a newspaper column. Now, with the growth of this magazine and the consistency of this column space, she enjoys sharing it with family, friends and yes even stumbling upon an issue while having her oil changed. It’s fun making your mother proud.

So this time around, as we look to May 13 and the honoring of mothers I decided it was time. Time to honor my mother (all mothers, truly) for all they do so their babies can grow up and chase their dreams.

Now a mother myself, I hope for many things. I hope to be blessed by the presence of my mother physically on this earth for many years to come. I recognize the gift in being able to share so much with my mother as we live just a few cities apart. Mostly I recognize the gift of her presence as well as lessons and friendship as the journey continues.

Now, 13 years into this gig of motherhood, I recognize it’s no easy job. The rewards do indeed outweigh the challenges, but it’s far from easy. With each hurdle, setback and victory I have more appreciation for my mother.

So, for the readers who are mothers to adult children, thank you. Thank you for the lessons, the sleepless nights and the meals missed so that we could live fully. Thank you for putting us first and being ever present even in the moments we did not know we needed you, but we did. Quite simply thank you for being you.

As for my mom, thank you mom. Thank you for being my rock, my peace and my shoulder to cry on when life beat me down. Mostly thank you for loving and supporting me throughout all of this life’s journey. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you.