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7 marketing strategies
that fuel business growth

The era of the Internet changed many things. One of them is the way businesses advertise their products and reach their target audiences.

What also changed is the interaction between businesses and customers and the way that companies build a brand. Even the age-old advertising industry shifted to cater to these new trends and provide customers with more information, stronger connections with brands, and a more refined experience.

At Devine Solutions Group, we pride ourselves on embracing many new-age marketing techniques and strategies that help our clients take advantage of shifts like these in their respective industries.

But what are the best ways to fuel growth and attract more clients in your industry or niche? 

1. Design a Functional Website

A website is the first step into your online venture towards attracting new clients. A functional website allows your business to be seen from anywhere around the world, on any device (mobile or desktop), and at any time (24/7). It is the best way to showcase your business and start generating leads.

2. Start Blogging

A blog is a dedicated page on your website for posts. If you don’t have one for your business, you either don’t have the time to set it up and maintain it or 

you need some creative tips to get inspired.

However, blogging is more than just posting your ideas online – it is a way of communicating with your prospective customers. Blogging is an excellent example of how the power of words can connect with people and how it gives brands and individuals instant and immediate reach.

Note: Your website analytics can tell a great story about your site’s performance.

3. Understand SEO

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an area of marketing that lets you gain control of the positions you rank for on Google and the keywords associated with them. SEO can be intimidating but if done correctly with using white hat tactics you can easily leverage it. It’s important to note that SEO is a complex science and one needs a full understanding of how to successfully implement an SEO strategy.

4. Use Social Media

A whopping (4.5 billion) number of people are on social media. This means only one thing – a potential opportunity for growth.

You can leverage platforms like Facebook and Instagram to grow your business, get more followers, or even put upsponsored posts to reach new audiences. 

The best thing about social media is the ability to share your news and ideas with your target audience and get them involved with your products and services in every possible way.

5. Build Great Lead Magnets

“What’s a lead magnet?”

Essentially, it is an offer that looks irresistible to your users. The right lead magnet presented to the right audience can indeed have explosive results. For instance, if you are a business in the call center industry, a lead magnet titled “10 Call Center Trends You Can’t Ignore” is a topic that your customers won't ignore. However, to get the PDF report, they will have to leave details like their email and phone number.

Once you get their details, the win-win is that they will get their report and read about the topic you created. Whether it's a report, e-book, checklist, video, or anything else, a lead magnet is a viable solution for lead generation. A great lead magnet will help you gather information from your audience and build your email list.

6. Use LinkedIn in the Right Way

• Do you have a video on your LinkedIn business profile?

• Are you publishing posts and articles?

• Or are you looking for skilled candidates?

If no is an answer to all of these questions, you have tremendous opportunity. LinkedIn has great potential, and you should explore it. You can reach a broad audience, especially when one of your posts goes viral.

7. Focus on Email Marketing

Creative copywriting is best showcased through emails. You can get an extraordinary open rate, get replies from your prospects, or even sell products with promotional emails.

However, to be able to email your audience and present them with your new offers, you need to build a list of emails for your newsletter.

What happens if social media platforms go down/offline? You don’t own your contacts there and this is why you want to focus on building your email list. 

— Devine Solutions Group is a local resource for effective marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. Beth Devine is one of the most sought-after marketing experts in the Central Valley. She is the founder and principal of Devine Solutions Group, an award-winning digital marketing agency headquartered in Tracy, CA. Connect with Beth by either calling 833-933-8463 or email her at