Those looking for a place to wet their whistle and take in a little California Gold Rush history should look no further than Jamison’s Ale House.
Michael and Virginia Vasquez opened the Amador City bar and restaurant in July 2017 and this St. Patrick’s Day they will be offering fresh oysters and a refreshing stout to wash it down.
Virginia spent over 20 years as a beer judge and is BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) Certified and has taught beer appreciation classes for women. She was nicknamed the ‘Beer Maven’ because she knows a thing or two about beer. Jamison is her maiden name and they wanted to celebrate the Irish, English and Scottish who immigrated to Amador City during the Gold Rush era.
They reach out to local independent brewers to stock their bar with beers that have a low or balanced hop feature with satisfying brewing flavors and aromas that can be sampled in a flight or purchased as a pitcher like El Dorado Brewing Company’s Trailblazer Stout or Track 7’s Panic IPA. They also have 20 ounce bottles like Colossus of Clout Irish Style Red Ale from Strike Brewing Co. to share or a regular bottle of La Trappe Quadrupel Trappist Ale for the thirsty traveler.
For more information call 209-267-8293 or make the drive yourself to 14166 S. Highway 49, Amador City, CA 95601.
IF YOU GOGetting there:JAMISON’S ALE HOUSE14166 S. Highway 49, Amador City, CA 95601
Hours:M - W Closed T - S 11AM–7PM Sunday 11AM–5PM